If you’re a health nut, then this homemade marshmallow recipe is for you! These healthy homemade marshmallows use a natural sweetener, grass-fed unflavored gelatin, salt, and water. Yes, just 4 ingredients! Making them at home is not only simple and easy, but so much better for your family’s health. We love to add these honey…
How to Make Soft & Fluffy Sourdough Brioche Bread
Brioche is a classic French bread that is made using a highly enriched dough. This dough comes out light and fluffy, thanks to the butter, eggs, and sourdough you put into it. This will become your favorite sourdough bread to put on the table. This sourdough brioche bread recipe is great fresh and leftover. This…
5 Handmade Christmas Soap Bars (Natural Gift Ideas)
Are you in need of a new bar of soap? If so, today is a post for you! I wanted to share with ya’ll how to make an easy handmade bar soap to give to your family or your best friends as a Christmas present. These don’t require any fancy equipment or skills as you…
Easy, Homemade Granola Recipe
Store bought granolas can be more sugar and oil than you want your family to consume. Whenever I make this homemade granola, it doesn’t last long! And, it goes great with my homemade yogurt for breakfast or a quick snack. Don’t forget to save this homemade granola recipe so you can make it for your…
Homemade Sugar Scrub
Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived. – Sidney Sheldon One reason I really love essential oils is the fact that it makes DIYing easy and toxin free! I can reuse jars I already have, see the exact ingredients that go into what I’m making, and when you make something…
How To Protect Yourself This Winter
Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) syrup is one of my go to remedies during winter. These berries have been shown to have antiviral effects and shorten the duration of viral illnesses, like influenza, by four days! And with less side effects than prescription antivirals. Benefits of Elderberries These nutritious berries are packed with vitamins A, B,…